World-class stringing
We are proud to be the Official Tecnifibre Stringer of SwedenTM.
Our passion for rackets and stringing is based on over 40 years of experience. In total, we have stringed well above 80 000 rackets belonging to all types of players.
We are certified stringers and racket technicians by the European Racquet Stringers Association (ERSA), and vouch for only promoting products that we have personally tested and been convinced by.
Every player who loves the sport, regardless of their playing level, deserves a personalized racket of the highest class.
Tournament & Club Stringing
Increase the service level at your tennis tournament or club with the presence of a professional, certified and fully equipped stringer.

Racket Matching & Customization
When a strings goes off in the middle of a match, make sure to have another racket with identical feel at hand. And why not have them look your way?